The Chickahominy Report

News about Earth, Atmosphere, Water, and Life

The Chesapeake Bay funding vote: Reaction and accountability

Henry Potter

Hen­ry Pot­ter was the vil­lain who tried to ruin George Bai­ley, the hero of “It’s a Won­der­ful Life.”

MECHANICSVILLE, Va. — Check out how the The Fred­er­icks­burg Free Lance-Star began an edi­to­r­i­al response to the House approval of Rep. Bob Good­lat­te’s (R‑Va.) amend­ment to pre­vent fed­er­al fund­ing of the EPA’s Chesa­peake  Bay restora­tion effort:

REP. BOB GOODLATTE, R- Roanoke, seems the sort of fel­low who would pre­fer Pot­tersville to Bed­ford Falls. In the clas­sic movie “It’s a Won­der­ful Life,” Pot­tersville was what Bed­ford Falls would have become had George Bai­ley not pro­vid­ed towns­peo­ple an oppor­tu­ni­ty to invest in their town and make it a pleas­ant place to live. …

At the time of the last TCR post on the mat­ter, the roll call data were not avail­able. It is now, so it seems a good time to look at how the con­gres­sion­al del­e­ga­tions from the Bay water­shed states voted.

Over­all, Democ­rats opposed the Good­lat­te amend­ment by a wide margin—36 showed their sup­port for the Bay cleanup plan by vot­ing against the amend­ment. Three Democ­rats from Pennsylvania—Jason Alt­mire, Mark Critz, and Tim Holden—joined Repub­li­cans by vot­ing to cut fed­er­al fund­ing for the plan.

Like­wise, Repub­li­cans large­ly sup­port­ed the Good­lat­te amend­ment. Twen­ty-eight GOP rep­re­sen­ta­tives, includ­ing Major­i­ty Leader Eric Can­tor (R‑Va.) vot­ed in favor of cut­ting fed­er­al fund­ing for the Bay cleanup. Three GOP congressmen—Michael Fitz­patrick of Penn­syl­va­nia, Nan Hay­worth of New York, and Rob Wittman of Virginia—broke with their col­leagues and vot­ed against the amendment.

The results are pre­sent­ed below by state. A “No” vote is against Good­lat­te’s amend­ment and indi­cates sup­port for the Chesa­peake restora­tion plan. A “Yes” vote is for Good­lat­te’s amendment—against fed­er­al fund­ing for the restora­tion plan. Par­ty affil­i­a­tion is giv­en in paren­the­ses: D for Demo­c­rat, R for Republican.


Rep. John Car­ney (D‑All)—No


Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R‑6)—Yes
Rep. Eli­jah Cum­mings (D‑7)— No
Rep. Don­na Edwards (D‑4)—No
Rep. Andy Har­ris (R‑1)—Yes
Rep. Ste­ny Hoy­er (D‑5)—No
Rep. C.A. Rup­pers­berg­er (D‑2)—No
Rep. John Sar­banes (D‑3)—No
Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D‑8)—No

New York

Rep. Gary Ack­er­man (D‑5)—No
Rep. Tim­o­thy Bish­op (D‑1)—No
Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle (R‑25)—Yes
Rep. Yvette Clarke (D‑11)—No
Rep. Joseph Crow­ley (D‑7)— No
Rep. Eliot Engel (D‑17)—No
Rep. Chris Gib­son (R‑20)—Yes
Rep. Michael Grimm (R‑13)—Yes
Rep. Richard Han­na (R‑24)—Yes
Rep. Nan Hay­worth (R‑19)—No
Rep. Bri­an Hig­gins (D‑27)—No
Rep. Mau­rice Hinchey (D‑22)—No
Rep. Steve Israel (D‑2)—No
Rep. Peter King (R‑3)—Yes
Rep. Nita Lowey (D‑18)—No
Rep. Car­olyn Mal­oney (D‑14)—No
Rep. Car­olyn McCarthy (D‑4)—No
Rep. Gre­go­ry Meeks (D‑6)—No
Rep. Jer­rold Nadler (D‑8)—No
Rep. Bill Owens (D‑23)—No
Rep. Charles Rangel (D‑15)—No
Rep. Tom Reed (R‑29)—Yes
Rep. Jose Ser­ra­no (D‑16)—No
Rep. Louise Slaugh­ter (D‑28)—No
Rep. Paul Tonko (D‑21)—No
Rep. Edol­phus Towns (D‑10)—No
Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D‑12)—No
Rep. Antho­ny Wein­er (D‑9)—No


Rep. Jason Alt­mire (D‑4)—Yes
Rep. Lou Bar­let­ta (R‑11)—Yes
Rep. Robert Brady (D‑1)—No
Rep. Mark Critz (D‑12)—Yes
Rep. Char­lie Dent (R‑15)—Yes
Rep. Mike Doyle (D‑14)—No
Rep. Cha­ka Fat­tah (D‑2)—No
Rep. Michael Fitz­patrick (R‑8)—No
Rep. Jim Ger­lach (R‑6)—Yes
Rep. Tim Hold­en (D‑17)—Yes
Rep. Mike Kel­ly (R‑3)—Yes
Rep. Tom Mari­no (R‑10)—Yes
Rep. Patrick Mee­han (R‑7)—Yes
Rep. Tim Mur­phy (R‑18)—Yes
Rep. Joe Pitts (R‑16)—Yes
Rep. Todd Platts (R‑19)—Yes
Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D‑13)—No
Rep. Bill Shus­ter (R‑9)—Yes
Rep. Glenn Thomp­son (R‑5)—Yes

West Vir­ginia

Rep. Shel­ley Capi­to (R‑2)—Yes
Rep. David McKin­ley (R‑1)— Yes
Rep. Nick Rahall, II (D‑3)—No


Rep. Eric Can­tor (R‑7)—Yes
Rep. Ger­ald Con­nol­ly (D‑11)—No
Rep. J. Randy Forbes (R‑4)—Yes
Rep. Robert Good­lat­te (R‑6)—Yes
Rep. Mor­gan Grif­fith (R‑9)—Yes
Rep. Robert Hurt (R‑5)—Yes
Rep. James Moran (D‑8)—No
Rep. Scott Rigell (R‑2)—Yes
Rep. Robert Scott (D‑3)—No
Rep. Rob Wittman (R‑1)—No
Rep. Frank Wolf (R‑10)—Yes


� Rep. John Car­ney (D‑AL) N
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