The Chickahominy Report

News about Earth, Atmosphere, Water, and Life

Mysterious bat disease forces closure of caves, mines

Little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) with fungus on its nose. (Ryan von Linden/New York Department of Environmental Conservation)

Lit­tle brown bat (Myotis lucifu­gus) with fun­gus on its nose. (Ryan von Linden/New York Depart­ment of Envi­ron­men­tal Conservation)

MECHANICSVILLE, Va. — The USDA For­est Ser­vice closed caves and aban­doned mines through­out the south­east­ern Unit­ed States last week in an effort to stem the spread of white nose syn­drome among bats, a dis­ease char­ac­ter­ized by the appear­ance of a white fun­gal growth on the muz­zles, ears, or wing mem­branes of infect­ed bats.

The fun­gus that is asso­ci­at­ed with the syn­drome (Geomyces sp.) thrives in the dark, cool con­di­tions of the caves where the affect­ed bat species hiber­nate. Infect­ed indi­vid­u­als con­sume the fat reserves they need to dur­ing hiber­na­tion too quick­ly and starve. Mor­tal­i­ty rates of 75 per­cent are com­mon, but as many as 95 per­cent of bats in some colonies have died after the dis­ease appeared.

White nose syndrome occurrence by county. (Cal Butchkoski, Pennsylvania Game Commission)

White nose syn­drome occur­rence by coun­ty. (Cal Butchkos­ki, Penn­syl­va­nia Game Commission)

Accord­ing to the U.S. For­est Ser­vice, as many as 500,000 bats have died in New Eng­land and the Mid-Atlantic states in the three years since the dis­ease appeared. Of that total, 25,000 have been the Indi­ana bat (Myotis sodalis), an endan­gered species.

White nose syn­drome was first observed among a bat colony at Howes Cave, near Albany, N.Y., in Feb­ru­ary 2006, the dis­ease has spread to north and east to colonies in Con­necti­cut, Mass­a­chu­setts, New Hamp­shire, and Ver­mont; and south as west to colonies in New Jer­sey, Penn­syl­va­nia, Vir­ginia, and West Virginia.

Evi­dence sug­gests that humans as well as bats play a role in spread­ing the dis­ease. Humans — by har­bor­ing fun­gal spores on shoes, cloth­ing, or equip­ment — may inad­ver­tent­ly trans­port the fun­gus from cave to cave. This con­cern has led to the strat­e­gy of clos­ing caves and oth­er under­ground refu­gia, such as aban­doned mines, that bats may inhabit.

On April 24, the East­ern Region of the For­est Ser­vice closed caves and mines in a swath of north­ern states from Min­neso­ta, Iowa, and Mis­souri east to Maine. The East­ern Region includes West Vir­ginia, where White Nose Syn­drome has been con­firmed from sev­er­al caves in Pendle­ton County.

The South­ern Region fol­lowed suit on May 21 with the clos­ing of caves from Okla­homa and Texas east to Vir­ginia, the Car­oli­nas, Geor­gia, and Flori­da. The South­ern Region’s clo­sure will be in effect for at least a year. So far, Vir­ginia is the only state with­in the region to have con­firmed cas­es of white nose syn­drome — from caves in Bath, Bland, and Giles Coun­ty. There is evi­dence to sus­pect cas­es from Rock­ing­ham and Cum­ber­land Coun­ties as well.

The Cum­ber­land Coun­ty case is anom­alous in that the coun­ty, which is on the Vir­ginia Pied­mont, has no caves. There may be old mines, how­ev­er, where bats may hibernate.

Oth­er fed­er­al and state agen­cies, as well as pri­vate landown­ers and orga­ni­za­tions involved in either bat con­ser­va­tion or cave explo­ration, have joined or are coop­er­at­ing with the cave and mine clo­sure effort.

— David M. Lawrence

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